Results for 'Professor of Religion and Political Science Bernard Susser'

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  1.  23
    Existence and Utopia: The Social and Political Thought of Martin Buber.Bernard Susser & Professor of Religion and Political Science Bernard Susser - 1981
    The only complete study of Buber as a political thinker. Shed new light upon Buber's I Thou, while also attempting to understand Buber's Zionist thought and activity in a new and fresh manner.
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    Free Thoughts on Religion, the Church & National Happiness.Bernard Mandeville & Irwin Primer - 2001 - Routledge.
    Bernard Mandeville was best known for The Fable of the Bees, in which he demolishes the supposed moral basis of society by a Hobbesian demonstration that civilization depends on vice. Today Mandeville is seen as a trenchant satirist of the manners and foibles of his age. He is also seen as a precursor of some of Adam Smith's doctrines, a forerunner in the field of sociology. A prescient analyst of the dynamics of our modern consumer society, Mandeville is author (...)
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    Giovanni Sartori: challenging political science.Michal Kubát & Martin Mejstřík (eds.) - 2019 - New York: ECPR Press, Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Giovanni Sartori (1924-2017) was a founder and icon of contemporary political science. A number of his books and articles have become part of the theoretical and conceptual basis of the field, and of social science in general. This volume brings together selected essays that examine Sartori as a scholar, university professor and intellectual. It is unique in covering all three aspects of Sartori's academic work: comparative politics, social science methodology and political theory. General overviews (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Kant. [REVIEW]Bernard D. Freydberg - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (1):75-80.
    The fundamental task of philosophy since the seventeenth century has been to determine whether the essential principles of both knowledge and action can be discovered by human beings unaided by an external agency. No one philosopher contributed more to this enterprise than Kant, whose Critique of Pure Reason (1781) shook the very foundations of the intellectual world. Kant argued that the basic principles of the natural science are imposed on reality by human sensibility and understanding, and thus that human (...)
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    Political science & ideology.William E. Connolly - 1967 - New York,: Atherton Press.
    Professor David Kettler commented at the time of the initial release, that this book is "writing with great poise and clarity, the author says important things ...
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    Science, religion, philosophie: trois manières d'appréhender le monde.Bernard Jolibert - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La distinction entre l'approche scientifique du réel des approches religieuse ou philosophique est une tâche urgente si on veut éviter le banal : "Tout est bon, tout se vaut" qui place les diverses connaissances au même niveau d'incertitude et de confusion. Chacune propose en fait un modèle original d'interprétation du monde. Encore faut-il s'attacher à bien comprendre sa portée spécifique et ses limites. Elles ne sont pas équivalentes. Chaque approche est pertinente suivant son intention et dans ses frontières propres. Elles (...)
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    De l'acte fondateur au mythe de fondation: une approche pluridisciplinaire.Daniel Faivre, Dominique Bernard Faivre, Richard Gobry, Mohsen Ismaîl, Françoise Ladouès, Laure Lévêque, René Nouailhat, Pierre Ognier, Aimé Randrian & Philippe Richard (eds.) - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La quête de repères identificatoires est probablement l'une des plus vieilles entreprises que l'humanité s'est donnée pour asseoir son histoire et construire sa mémoire. Toutes les sociétés, toutes les civilisations, fussent les pires totalitarismes, ont besoin d'une genèse héroïque — et donc exemplaire — pour fonder leurs origines. Une geste destinée à justifier leur présent ; un point de départ qui fixe un "avant" et un "après" et qui fait qu'à partir d'un événement créateur, selon la formule maintes fois annoncée, (...)
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    Why Ethics is Political Science for Aristotle.Lloyd P. Gerson - 1994 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 68:93-107.
  9.  23
    Professor Leszek Kołakowski’s Curriculum Vitae.Bernard Albin - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (3/4):19-20.
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    המחשבה המדינית: מבחר כתבים.Bernard Susser & Daòvid Tsur - 1990
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    Beyondism: religion from science.Raymond Bernard Cattell - 1987 - New York: Praeger.
    How to derive moral values from scientific principles. Examines the limites of social responsibility andthe implications of genetic social policies.
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  12. Why Machiavelli Matters: A Guide to Citizenship in a Democracy.John Bernard - 2008 - Praeger.
    Introduction, Machiavelli in his time -- The secretary -- Machiavelli as political philosopher -- Machiavelli and republican virtue -- Machiavelli and the realm of fortune -- Machiavelli the writer -- Conclusion why Machiavelli matters.
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    Through Science to God. [REVIEW]Bernard J. Monks - 1937 - Modern Schoolman 14 (3):67-68.
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    Eternité et historicité de l'esprit selon Hegel.Bernard Bourgeois - 1991 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    La philosophie hégélienne culmine avec l'analyse du rapport entre le moment infini, absolu, divin, et le moment fini, objectif, humain, de l'esprit. Le premier donne son sens - religieux et philosophique - au second qui, en retour, le fait exister - politiquement. Chacun d'eux joue ainsi un rôle spécifique au sein de leur unité cependant fondamentalement divine. A l'encontre de toutes les interprétations anthropologiques du hégélianisme, le texte de Hegel vérifie l'actualisation d'une telle relation dialectique, mais hiérarchisée, entre l'humanité et (...)
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  15. Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline.Bernard Williams - 2006 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    What can--and what can't--philosophy do? What are its ethical risks--and its possible rewards? How does it differ from science? In Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline, Bernard Williams addresses these questions and presents a striking vision of philosophy as fundamentally different from science in its aims and methods even though there is still in philosophy "something that counts as getting it right." Written with his distinctive combination of rigor, imagination, depth, and humanism, the book amply demonstrates why Williams (...)
  16. Philosophy as a humanistic discipline.Bernard Williams - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (4):477-496.
    What can--and what can't--philosophy do? What are its ethical risks--and its possible rewards? How does it differ from science? In Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline , Bernard Williams addresses these questions and presents a striking vision of philosophy as fundamentally different from science in its aims and methods even though there is still in philosophy "something that counts as getting it right." Written with his distinctive combination of rigor, imagination, depth, and humanism, the book amply demonstrates why (...)
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  17. From Procedural Rights to Political Economy: New Horizons for Regulating Online Privacy.Daniel Susser - 2023 - In Sabine Trepte & Philipp K. Masur, The Routledge Handbook of Privacy and Social Media. Routledge. pp. 281-290.
    The 2010s were a golden age of information privacy research, but its policy accomplishments tell a mixed story. Despite significant progress on the development of privacy theory and compelling demonstrations of the need for privacy in practice, real achievements in privacy law and policy have been, at best, uneven. In this chapter, I outline three broad shifts in the way scholars (and, to some degree, advocates and policy makers) are approaching privacy and social media. First, a change in emphasis from (...)
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    Political science revitalized: filling the jigsaw puzzle with metatheory.Michael Haas - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book examines the history of the major paradigms of political science and proposes a new model for political theory. The book champions a neobehavioral political science including multimethodological innovations, cross-testing of paradigms, and tenets of a new political science that can rise to become a truly theoretical science.
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  19. Polanyi’s Arguments against a Non-Judgmental Political Science.Jon Fennell - 2010 - Tradition and Discovery 37 (1):6-18.
    Michael Polanyi articulates two arguments against the view that moral judgment has no proper place in the conduct of political science: Non-judgmental political science cannot understand what it studies; and non-judgmental political science cannot understand the political scientist himself. Evaluation of these arguments not only clarifies important dimensions of Polanyi’s conceptions of understanding and tacit inference, it prompts a reconsideration of the nature of both moral deliberation and moral truth. The encounter with Polanyi (...)
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  20.  45
    What makes life worth living: on pharmacology.Bernard Stiegler - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Polity. Edited by Daniel Ross.
    In the aftermath of the First World War, the poet Paul Valéry wrote of a "crisis of spirit", brought about by the instrumentalization of knowledge and the destructive subordination of culture to profit. Recent events demonstrate all too clearly that the stock of mind, or spirit, continues to fall. The economy is toxically organized around the pursuit of short-term gain, supported by an infantilizing, dumbed-down media. Advertising technologies make relentless demands on our attention, reducing us to idiotic beasts, no longer (...)
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  21.  24
    Book Reviews : Howard Williams, Concepts of Ideology. St. Martin, New York, 1988. Pp. xiii, 136, $35.00. [REVIEW]Bernard Susser - 1992 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22 (4):527-531.
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  22. Is the Universe a Vast, Consciousness-created Virtual Reality Simulation?Bernard Haisch - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):48-60.
    Two luminaries of 20th century astrophysics were Sir James Jeans and Sir Arthur Eddington. Both took seriously the view that there is more to reality than the physical universe and more to consciousness than simply brain activity. In his Science and the Unseen World Eddington speculated about a spiritual world and that "conscious is not wholly, nor even primarily a device for receiving sense impressions." Jeans also speculated on the existence of a universal mind and a non-mechanical reality, writing (...)
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    On critical genealogy.Bernard E. Harcourt - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-19.
    Today most critical theorists who deploy history use a genealogical method forged by Nietzsche and Foucault. This genealogical approach now dominates historically inflected critique. But not all genealogical writings today, nor all philosophical debates surrounding genealogy, advance the goals of critical philosophy. It is crucial now that we assess the value of genealogical critiques. The proper metric against which to evaluate such work is whether it contributes to transforming ourselves, others, and society in a valuable way. In this article, I (...)
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    L'esprit critique dans l'Antiquité.Bernard Collette, Marc-Antoine Gavray & Jean-Marc Narbonne (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Les Belles lettres.
    I. Critique et licence dans la Grèce antique --.
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  25. Native american religion versus archaeological science: A pernicious dichotomy revisited.K. Anne Pyburn - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (3):355-366.
    Adversarial relations between science and religion have recurred throughout Western History. Archaeologists figure prominently in a recent incarnation of this debate as members of a hegemonic scientific elite. Postmodern debates situate disagreements in cosmological differences between innocent, traditional, native peoples and insensitive, career-mad, colonialist scientists. This simplistic dichotomy patronizes both First Peoples and archaeologists, pitting two economically marginal groups in a political struggle that neither can win. Although a few scholars have discussed the tyrannical nature of anthropological (...)
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  26. Critical Provocations for Synthetic Data.Daniel Susser & Jeremy Seeman - 2024 - Surveillance and Society 22 (4):453-459.
    Training artificial intelligence (AI) systems requires vast quantities of data, and AI developers face a variety of barriers to accessing the information they need. Synthetic data has captured researchers’ and industry’s imagination as a potential solution to this problem. While some of the enthusiasm for synthetic data may be warranted, in this short paper we offer critical counterweight to simplistic narratives that position synthetic data as a cost-free solution to every data-access challenge—provocations highlighting ethical, political, and governance issues the (...)
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    Edgar Morin et la pensée complexe.Bernard Dagenais - 2007 - Hermes 48:179.
    En créant le Centre d'études des communications de masse en 1960, Edgar Morin s'affirmait comme un précurseur. Jusqu'alors, l'étude de la communication de masse était logée en sciences politiques , en psychologie , en sociologie ou ailleurs, mais personne n'avait pensé en faire un objet propre d'étude. Pendant une dizaine d'années Edgar Morin va se pencher sur « l'esprit du temps»: le cinéma, les stars, les crises et les rumeurs. À la fin des années 1960, Morin pousse plus loin sa (...)
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    From concept to dialogue: an introduction to political theory.Elissa B. Alzate - 2017 - [San Diego, California]: Cognella Academic Publishing.
    Blending high-interest original writing with select primary sources on political theory, From Concept to Dialogue: An Introduction to Political Theory fosters appreciation for and critical thinking about major political concepts. The text poses thought-provoking questions that guide readers into drawing critical information out of challenging material. Section 1 of the text introduces key concepts and questions of political theory such as human nature, political change, justice, power, governance, and citizenship. Each chapter in this section contains (...)
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  29. Finding a Place for Rhetoric: Aristotle's Rhetorical Art in its Philosophic Context.Bernard E. Jacob - 1991 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation studies how Aristotle understands and justifies his Rhetorical Art. It proceeds by explicating the Art in its intellectual context. Rhetoric emerges as a dynamic investigation of human affairs working through the "given" in speech and thought to a plausible account, while giving consideration to the opinions and characters of both speaker and audience within the horizon of a particular occasion. The basic dynamic determines a structure which is comparable to Socrates' requirements in the Phaedrus. That this is the (...)
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    Architecture politique de l’interdépendance climatique.Bernard Reber - 2018 - Eco-Ethica 7:115-124.
    The problem of interdependence is crucial for understanding the climate, with its interactions between land, water and atmosphere, as well as with human activities, past and future. The concept of interdependence expresses two types of relationship, that of causality and that of responsibility. For the problems of climate governance as understood as a statistical average in the Conferences of the parties (COP), causal dependence is impossible to reconstruct precisely, notably because of the complexity of these phenomenons. However, dependence does not (...)
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    Symbolic misery.Bernard Stiegler - 2014 - Cambridge: Polity Press. Edited by Barnaby Norman.
    In this important new book, the leading cultural theorist and philosopher Bernard Stiegler re-examines the relationship between politics and aesthetics in our contemporary hyperindustrial age. Stiegler argues that our epoch is characterized by the seizure of the symbolic by industrial technology, where aesthetics has become both theatre and weapon in an economic war. This has resulted in a ‘symbolic misery’ where conditioning substitutes for experience. In today’s control societies, aesthetic weapons play an essential role: audiovisual and digital technologies have (...)
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  32.  20
    Professor Sir Bernard Crick (1929–2008): In memoriam.Preston King - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (2):329-330.
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    The grammar of modern ideology.Bernard Susser - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Play and the Artist’s Creative Process explores a continuity between childhood play and adult creativity. The volume examines how an understanding of play can shed new light on processes that recur in the work of Philip Guston and Eduardo Paolozzi. Both artists’ distinctive engagement with popular culture is seen as connected to the play materials available in the landscapes of their individual childhoods. Animating or toying with material to produce the unforeseen outcome is explored as the central force at work (...)
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    Political science.Cale D. Horne - 2016 - Phillipsburg , New Jersey: P&R Publishing.
    With their biblically grounded understanding of human nature, Christians are well prepared to engage political science. Horne presents a Christian framework, showing how this academic discipline can be studied faithfully.
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    Political Science Perspectives on Human Rights.Steven D. Roper & Lilian A. Barria - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (3):305-308.
    This special issue of Human Rights Review is devoted to an exploration of the current human rights research agendas within the political science discipline. Research on human rights is truly an interdisciplinary quest in which various epistemologies can contribute to each other and form a larger dialogue concerning rights and wrongs. This special issue is devoted to an expansive understanding of the state of research on human rights in the political science discipline. One common theme throughout (...)
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    Political science methodology: A plea for pluralism.Sharon Crasnow - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 78 (C):40-47.
    Case study research was once the primary methodology of research in political science. The shift to other methodologies in recent decades suggests has led to a devaluing of these approaches. This article explores six roles for case studies in the social sciences and argues that an understanding of the multiple aims of research supports a methodological pluralism that includes case study research.
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    Civil religion in modern political philosophy: Machiavelli to Tocqueville.Steven Frankel & Martin D. Yaffe (eds.) - 2020 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A collection of essays on civil religion in modern political philosophy, exploring the engagement between modern thought and the Christian tradition.
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    Political science & feminisms: integration or transformation?Kathleen A. Staudt - 1997 - London: Prentice Hall International. Edited by William G. Weaver.
    Authors Kathleen A. Staudt and William G. Weaver argue that political science as a discipline is operating well under full intellectual capacity because connections have not been made with women, gender, or feminist analysis. Staudt and Weaver thoroughly examine the discipline, incorporating analysis of the six relatively autonomous subfields that define political science - political theory, American politics, comparative politics, international relations, public law, and public administration. Employing Rounaq Johan's integrative-transformative framework, Staudt and Weaver's study (...)
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    What's the matter with liberalism?Ronald Beiner & Professor Ronald Beiner - 1992 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    In the wake of the revolutions of 1989, the ongoing political turmoil in the Soviet Union, and the democratization of most of Latin America, what is the task of political theorists? Ronald Beiner's invigorating critique of liberal theory and liberal practices takes on the shibboleths of modern Western discourse. He confronts the aridity of liberal societies that possess incommensurable "values" and "rights," but no principles. To Beiner, this neutralist view is both a false description of liberal society and (...)
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    Interpretive political science: selected essays.R. A. W. Rhodes - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. A. W. Rhodes.
    Interpretive Political Science is the second of two volumes featuring a selection of key writings by R.A.W. Rhodes. Volume II looks forward and explores the 'interpretive turn' and its implications for the craft of political science, especially public administration, and draws together articles from 2005 onwards on the theme of 'the interpretive turn' in political science. Part I provides a summary statement of the interpretive approach, and Part II develops the theme of blurring genres (...)
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    Process tracing in political science: What's the story?Sharon Crasnow - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 62:6-13.
    Methodologists in political science have advocated for causal process tracing as a way of providing evidence for causal mechanisms. Recent analyses of the method have sought to provide more rigorous accounts of how it provides such evidence. These accounts have focused on the role of process tracing for causal inference and specifically on the way it can be used with case studies for testing hypotheses. While the analyses do provide an account of such testing, they pay little attention (...)
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  42.  11
    In Defence of Politics.Bernard Crick - 2000 - Burns & Oates.
    First published in 1962, this account of the meaning and benefits of politics is updated for the 21st century. Bernard Crick asserts that politics with its compromises and power struggles remains the only tested alternative to government by coercion, making both freedom and order possible in heterogeneous societies. For Crick, politics is messy and complex, and his book defends it against those who would identify it with (and reduce it to) ideology, democracy, nationalism or technology.
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  43.  13
    The body politic: the battle over science in America.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2011 - New York: Bellevue Literary Press.
    In her foreword to Science Next, Elizabeth Edwards wrote of science as a tool for social progress: "Innovation is not simply the abstract victory of knowledge [or] the research that gave me years to live; the next science can advance human flourishing and serve the common good. That's the kind of world I want to leave for my children, and for yours." With these words, she joined a tradition that goes back to America's founders, who saw America (...)
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  44.  16
    Political science as a topic in post-war German Bundestag debates.Kari Palonen - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (4):360-373.
    The conceptual history of politics in post-WWII (West-) Germany is connected to the history of academic political science. From the Bundestag plenary debates (beginning in September 1949) both the controversies on the political science itself and the contributors of both contemporary scholars and the ‘classics’ of the understanding of politics can be studied. The digitalisation of parliamentary debates opens up new chances for conceptual research in this regard. The article studies the conceptual commitments in the use (...)
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    (1 other version)Leibniz: political writings.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Patrick Riley.
    Leibniz's political and ethical writing long has been neglected, and with this new edition Professor Riley makes available the most representative pieces from Leibniz's political theory. This new edition, specially prepared for this series, is the first to make a considerable number of Leibniz's writings available in English, and includes three previously unpublished manuscripts, a selection of political letters, an introduction, notes, and a critical biography.
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    Political science after Foucault.Mark Bevir - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (4):81-96.
    This article concerns the relevance of postfoundationalism, including the ideas of Michel Foucault, for political science. The first half of the article distinguishes three forms of postfoundationalism, all of which draw some of their inspiration from Foucault. First, the governmentality literature draws on Marxist theories of social control, and then absorbs Foucault’s focus on power/knowledge. Second, the post-Marxists combine the formal linguistics of Saussure with a focus on hegemonic discourses. Third, some social humanists infuse Foucauldian themes into the (...)
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    What Was to Be Demonstrated.Bernard G. Prusak - 2009 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 83 (4):593-597.
    In his reply to my paper “The Problem with the Problem of the Embryo,” which appeared in the Summer 2008 (82:3) issue of ACPQ, Christopher Tollefsen claims that (1) I muddle matters by failing to keep distinct questions of biology from questions having to do with personhood; (2) I have the science wrong in my account of the debate over the fact that the embryo depends on “maternal donation” for its development; and (3) my so-called “counsel of pragmatism” is (...)
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    Political philosophy cross-examined: perennial challenges to the philosophic life.Thomas L. Pangle (ed.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Political societies frequently regard philosophers as potential threats to morality and religion, and those who speak for politics often demand a defense of philosophy. This book will address philosophy as a mode of existence put into question.
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    Schürmann on political philosophy.Bernard P. Dauenhauer - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (1):130-132.
    Reiner schurmann, Building on heidegger's thought, Has proposed a political philosophy which explicitly dispenses with questions concerning political organization. In this discussion, I point to the apparent practical necessity for restricted political coercion. This apparent necessity, I argue, Must either be shown to be illusory or must be taken to require questions concerning political organization. Since schurman has not as yet done either of these, Then his argument remains incomplete.
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    Political Science.Robert E. Goodin - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 183–213.
    Social reformers necessarily proceed, after the fashion of Rousseau, ‘taking men as they are and laws as they can be’. Thus it has been since the founding of political science in the nineteenth century. But the lessons of the behavioural revolution in political science are that taking people ‘as they are’ might be more constraining that we ever imagined; and the lessons of the policy sciences are that there are far fewer ways that institutions ‘can be’ (...)
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